Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Elites in Full Panic Mode

Sarah Palin is being greeted by the liberal elites like a diner waitress who marries the richest guy in town. They just don't know how to react. They all instinctively hate her but know that as long as the guy loves her, they have to be careful attacking her. So it is with Sarah Palin. The polls show she has more than energized the base, she is pulling in women and independents in huge numbers. Hillary Clinton, the self-annointed women's champion, won't touch Sarah Palin with a ten-foot pole although I'm sure Bill thinks she's smokin' hot. (Come on, he took a run at Paula Jones, didn't he?)
The media elites are trying to elevate trivial Alaska stories about Palin to the level of national scandal but so far nothing's sticking. Like Obama last year, Sarah Palin can do no wrong. Unfortunately for Obama, he may have peaked too soon. He already feels like the incumbent and Palin the fresh faced, spunky challenger. The elites are in full retreat. If they can't win this year after 8 years of Bush, when can they? My God Ducky, have you seen her dress, that hair and all those frightful children! We have to put a stop to this!!!

1 comment:

Herbert Sweet said...

Why is that only the Dems are 'elites' and the Reps are just ordinary folks? Is one senator or congressman 'elite' and another not so?

The word 'elite' has really changed 180 degrees from when it was something to aspire to. Now-a-days, it seems to be just a nasty label.

One could use it to classify anyone who has some recognition of success or accomplishment. But, the baggage of the word has become so intolerable that I doubt that anyone would want that adjective applied to him.