Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oil Plunge Could Help Republicans

While neither party has had ANYTHING to do with the price of oil, in the political world the party in power gets the blame or the credit for any wild fluctuations. I wrote in May that oil was a simple commodity and the law of supply and demand dictated it was due for a fall. At the time oil was pushing $150 and the media and politicians were indignant.(Remember Hillary and her 8 SUV's idling for a photo-op at an Indiana gas station).Even John McCain pandered by backing a windfall profit rebate for consumers. Well, that was the top and oil is on it's way below $100.
This could be good news for McCain/Palin. With oil plunging, democrats have once less thing to whine about. While they were happy to blame the evil oil companies and their republican toadies in Washington on the way up, they have to keep their yaps shut with oil diving. It also takes some of the pressure off the economy. Gas and heating oil, while not cheap, won't be front page news as democrats hoped. Advantage Republicans.

1 comment:

Herbert Sweet said...

It is easy to blame the oil companies and the Arabs and probably politically necessary to do so. No politician is going to survive if he looks his constituents in the eye and says that we have found the enemy and it is you. Yes you, you over consumers.

Short term fluctuations are but a distraction from the real problem of limited supply and global warming. But the public has a short term mentality when it comes to pocketbook.

We all know what has to be done but will we do it?