Monday, September 8, 2008

God Enters The Campaign

The expected assualt by the left on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is officially underway. Democrats have found a video of parishoner Sarah Palin speaking at her own church. The Governor is seen and heard saying she thinks everything including the Iraq War is somehow part of God's plan. I've always had my reservations about the concept of God's plan but I've never mocked anyone for believing such a plan exists. If you think there's nothing new here in terms of religious beliefs, you're right and wrong. You see the invocation of God's name by a Republican means you are a bible thumping bigot and have an extreme agenda. These same critics, of course, will show up at a real bible thumping service in a black church and wax on and on about God's warm embrace (as long as they vote democrat). Look at the pass the liberals give whack jobs like Rev. Wright when they attack the United States itself from the pulpit. The same crowd worries we're insulting the Koran but won't tolerate evangelicals. If these liberals think they can bring down Sarah Palin by attacking her religion, they will find themselves on the outside looking in as Sarah Palin puts her hand on the bible next January 20th.

1 comment:

Herbert Sweet said...

You have to give the Reps a lot of credit. The formula that works so well is to claim to be on the side of God and soul and that the opposition party therefore is against God and soul. Of course the claim can not be challenged so it is fully bulletproof. No need to engage in risky questions about real issues with everyone riled up about the 'social issues'. Pure genius.