Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Caroline Kennedy To Vett VP Candidates

With all due respect to the ghost of Camelot, what qualifies Caroline Kennedy to play a significant role in the selection of Barack Obama's running mate? Sure, she's probably met many of the people under consideration at cocktail parties but that's not exactly cutting edge. Clearly Obama sees himself as the black JFK but let's not get carried away there Barry. Odd choice.

1 comment:

Herbert Sweet said...

Agree. But there is a lot of good psychological and other strategy going on in the Obama campaign. This is one. The other I heard today from one of the network pundits was setting up a VP search committee takes the Hillary offer pressure off of Obama.

Sometimes you hear the pundits saying that no one knows what the candidates are thinking but that is wrong. These folks are looking at the alternatives just as are the pundits and us lesser mortals. We all know what the choices are.