Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Real Hillary Game Plan

Much of the media speculation today is on what Hillary wants since she still can't bring herself to concede. Aside from selfishly distracting everyone from the truly historic nature of Obama's win, here's what's really going on. By not conceding the nomination technically, she is intentionally leaving the door open for herself should something happen to Obama before the convention. That something takes two forms in the pathological world of Hillary Clinton. One is the Clinton slime machine unearths or manufactures some bombshell revelation that causes the superdelegates to switch to Clinton at the last minute. Or as Hillary so tacklessly put it, Obama has his own Bobby Kennedy moment and some lunatic shoots him. Trust me, she's hoping for either outcome.
The good news is she's the one who will be dead politically for her awful lack of grace and what she's doing to the democratic party. Americans don't like sore losers or homewreckers.

1 comment:

Herbert Sweet said...

nice try, Hillary but according to tonight's 'breaking news' her supporters are on her case for not conceding last night. She's through.