Friday, June 6, 2008

Au Revoir Hillary

As Gerald Ford famously said shortly after Richard Nixon resigned, “Our long, national nightmare is over.” I feel the same way about the tortuous, delusional end of Hillary Clinton’s attempt to secure the democratic presidential nomination. Like Richard Nixon in 1974, Hillary Clinton just didn’t know when to quit. It remains to be seen if her lack of grace will hurt Barack Obama’s chances going forward.
If Hillary continues to feed the anger of so-called first wave feminists and they elect to vote for McCain or sit it out in November, John McCain will be our next President. Already polls show nearly half the Hillary voters say they won’t vote for Obama. If they stay mad until November, Obama’s got problems.
Given her none too subtle expression of interest in being Obama’s VP, it can be assumed she’s interested in being a heartbeat away from the top job. But if that’s not forthcoming, I’m betting she pays lip service to the Obama candidacy while doing everything she and Bill can to hurt his chances. The Clinton’s did the same thing in 2004 with John Kerry. It’s not in Hillary’s best interest to have Obama win one or two terms. She will want him to lose so she can be the “I told you so” candidate in 2012.
In my opinion, I think showing Hillary Clinton the vice-presidential door is the first real test of Obama’s leadership. Coming in a close second isn’t enough to put someone on the ticket, particularly if that someone consistently referred to Sen. Obama as unqualified and shamelessly played the race card against him. If Obama eliminates her, he’s got my vote.
If he puts her on the ticket just to placate a bunch of angry old women, he becomes just another calculating politician with no guts. Note to Sen. Obama: Regardless of what happened in the democratic primaries, 47% of registered voters have consistently said they would never vote for Hillary Clinton. So remember, she brings more baggage than votes. All those independents and Republicans who voted for you will disappear in November if she’s on the ticket.
Now for the really fun part. If you recall, I wrote over a year ago I would move to France if Hillary Clinton were elected President. Well folks, that isn’t going to happen and I know some of you who have wished me bon voyage and bonjour are going to be terribly disappointed.
No one is more disappointed than my beloved mother-in-law, Eve Carey of Naples, Florida. She has been an ardent supporter of Sen. Clinton and has accused me on many occasions of being “mean” to poor Hillary. Mrs. Carey even went as far as sending me a card with a drawing of a lovely French cottage where she hoped I’d be spending my remaining days. Like Mrs. Clinton herself, my mother-in-law refuses to discuss Hillary’s demise. But I sleep better knowing it’s killing both of them.
So as I prepare to dispose of my French language tapes and travel guides, may I say it has been a distinct pleasure watching the “inevitable” Sen. Clinton fold like a cheap accordion. Hold on a minute. This just in from the Clinton camp... It appears Hillary has just beaten Tiger Woods in an 18 hole match at Winged Foot. According to the press release, the fact that Woods didn’t actually compete “shouldn’t diminish the historical significance of Sen. Clinton’s victory.” And Hillary won Michigan too. Au Revoir Hillary!

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