Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Mask Comes Off

It took a while and a few more electoral thumpings but I think the real Hillary Clinton is emerging from the shadows of feigned progressive ideology. Here's what she had to say to USA Today.
"Sen. Obama's support among working, hard working Americans, white Americans is weakening again and whites who had not completed college were supporting me."
Gee Sen. Clinton, what do you mean by that? Could it be you're telling the superdelegates and delegates pledged to Obama that he's going to get beaten like a bed wetting step-child in the fall and you better nominate me before it's too late. It's a shame George Wallace and Lester Maddox are dead. You could be pre-announcing one of them as your running mate. Maybe someone in your posse has David Dukes phone number.


Herbert Sweet said...

While it may be politically incorrect to say so, shouldn't the collective wisdom of the Uneducated likley be one that is based more on perception than on fact?

Anonymous said...

Bill and Hillary aren't necessarily racists, they're just political whores with no core values.

Herbert Sweet said...

It does look that way now, Mr. Anonymous. But I would suggest that it is a tough call to balance between telling people what they want to hear and what they should hear. You have to know if they will face the truth or if they won't. If you guess wrong, you are out.

Anonymous said...

Herb- Not sure i want elected officials who always have their moist finger in the air. Real leadership is telling it like it is and taking your chances. Telling them what they want to hear makes you a politician not a leader.

Herbert Sweet said...

Agree. But a leader does have to be careful. Clearly, Obama would have suffered a lot less if he had used the word 'frustrated' instead of 'bitter'. Also, a leader can not lead people where they do not want to go.

Anonymous said...

You're all missing the point. All these politicians play the race card. It's just that the Clintons fooled people by pretending to be black friendly when it suited them. They couldn't care less about blacks or anybody else besides their own sorry asses. The Clintons want Obama to lose so they can run again in four years.

Herbert Sweet said...

Any plan to take the nomination from Obama when he had won the delegate vote could split the Dem party and sour the new young voters. This would not only be a loss for an election that the Dems should easily have won, but would leave the Dems impotent for a long long time. Of course, the Clintons would be blamed for this so wouldn't have any chance of ever coming back.

It looks like Hillary is trying to do this but this leaves one wondering why. Is vanity obscuring the Clinton's well observed political acumen?

More likely, Hillary is just positioning herself for some down the road bargaining. The super delegates and the rest of the politicos are well aware of this scenario and the Clinton's must know this.

Anonymous said...

this is just politics. why is it surprising that a politician would pretend to be someone else to win votes? both are pretending to be perfect and better than they are. the longer this drawn-out lie-fest of a campaign goes on, the more dirt will come out and the true selves of our prospective leaders will be revealed. To make matters worse, the republicans sit back and watch the internal strife, knowing that it almost guarantees a mccain victory. I don't say that this is worse because obama or clinton is better than mccain, but because mccain will be elected without fixing the botched plans of bush. The final nail in the coffin: the american people don't care and will let this happen.

Jim Langan said...

Ian- I think the American people care but I agree with you the candidates work hard to deceive voters and sell their candidacies. Unfortunately, too many voters are so stupid or brainwashed, their vote is a sad joke. All you need to do is look at TV to understand how stupid the big boys think and know we are. It shows.

Herbert Sweet said...

We all want our politicians to be open and honest and on occasion, an innocent remark does slips out. So how does the public handle that? They jump all over it. Is it no wonder that public figures are so guarded in their speech.

Anonymous said...

Innocent remark? Are you kidding. If you listen to the tape, she is clearly saying exactly what she wants to. This was a scream for help and a none too subtle attempt to scare the superdelegates into nullifying the election results.

Herbert Sweet said...

In Hillary's case, I'd be inclined to agree with you! Obama's "bitter" remark was most likely a failure to recognize the new reality that you are never talking to anything less than the entire country thanks to modern electronics. Hillary, on the other hand, could and should have been more discrete in her comments about the working whites.

The problem Obama is now facing is weaning the throngs of middle aged and older women away from Hillary, their champion. It is becoming more apparent that the 60s female generation, once rebels, are out of it and voting along gender lines.

I've heard that the youngsters, now-a-days, pay no attention to such. Wasn't that what the 60s generation wanted in the first place?