Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hillary's Sundowner Syndrome

Last year I was involved in having a cousin confined to an Alzheimer facilty. He was near 80 and had clearly reached the point where he was no longer capable of fending for himself. What I remember most about the experience was how animated and angry he became as we transitioned him from his home to a facilty. Even in his diminished state, he raged at everyone and even attempted to hit one of the nurses. It was sad and horrifying to witness and completely out of character.
I asked one of the doctors if there was some medication which might calm him down. He said medicine would help but I should understand my cousin was experiencing "the sundowner syndrome." In short it means people react violently when they are required to leave their home as they see it as the sunset of their life. They know there's only one step left in the process after that.
Which brings me to the otherwise inexplicable behavior of Hillary Clinton. Everyone knows it's over for her yet she insists on hanging on to the presidential drapes. I'm guessing she has the political equivalent of "Sundowner Syndrome." She knows if she leaves the stage, her presidential dream is dead. Like my poor cousin, no amount of reasoning or good intentions is getting through. Hillary is raging against the inevitable but the sun has already set for her.

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