Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hillary Passing Gas Again

I'm sure most of you saw Jeremiah Wright's favorite candidate, Hillary Clinton, opining in front of a gas station yesterday about the high cost of gasoline. Her solution is to suspend the federal gas tax for the busy summer travel season. Two things wrong there Sen. Liar, liar, pants on fire. One is you have absolutely no authority or control over the gas tax. secondly, if you did the savings would be miniscule and the proposal is a transparent attempt to exploit people's economic fear. How about addressing the long term or would that interfere with pandering to the uneducated masses who so love you? It's only fair to point out John McCain agreed with Hillary (shame on him) but Barack Obama called it the publicity stunt it is. Score another for Obama.
Then, of course, as the intrepid Jack Fitzsimons told me, Hillary's entourage at the gas station included EIGHT Chevy Suburbans! I guess conservation isn't part of the Clinton energy plan.

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