Monday, December 27, 2010


OK, it snowed yesterday and the wind blew pretty good. But do we really need wall to wall TV coverage of what used to be a fairly routine event? Does the Mayor have to be on TV reassuring his city of wussies that everything will be fine. I was watching one station when a breathless reporter asked some random guy how he was holding up. He said just fine and began complimenting the snow plow guys. Well, you'd have thought he farted judging by how fast they dumped him. Clearly they want whiners and hysterical idiots. Unfortunately the woods are full of such types. I also love the NYC horror stories about people "stranded" on streets or in their cars. Hey folks, it's New York City. How far do you really have to go to find shelter or something to eat.

1 comment:

HVNfan said...

Bloomberg was ultimately responsible for the poor clean up efforts in NYC following the recent snow storm. If he had canceled the Times Square festivities and utilized the sanitation department more efficiently there wouldn't have been as many "whiners" in the boroughs other than Manhatten.