Saturday, December 18, 2010


Yesterday's escape of nearly 150 of Mexico's nastiest convicts from a prison in the northern Mexican town of Nueva Laredo has American authorities worried. Forget the fact these guys are killers, rapists and robbers, these folks will shortly be demanding the benefits of American citizenship. Do you think they're staying in Mexico? No they're heading for the border and then down to the umemployment office and snapping up some Obama swag before grabbing some food stamps, a wefare check and some free medical care. They will also need to get their kids enrolled in school and check out some section 8 housing. And don't even think about asking to see their papers. These are proud Hispanics and they don't take kindly to racial profiling. Once they're settled in, then they will resume murdering and pillaging the countryside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Narrative analysis: Use conjecture to portray an entire race of people as violent criminals.