Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin Story A Little Shaky

The revelation that Sarah Palin's 17 year-old daughter Bristol is five months pregnant combined with a nasty piece of work coming from left wing blog The Daily Kos got me on the phone with folks in Alaska. Is it really possible Sarah Palin took a bullet for her daughter earlier this year by faking a pregnancy? Here's what I know. Bristol Palin, a student at The Choate School in Alaska, did take an extended leave from her school claiming mono. The whisper around school was she was pregnant. Then there is the issue of no one noticing Sarah Palin was preggers even though she was in the public eye as governor. A doctor friend in Alaska told me it is not uncommon for some women not to show particularly very fit runner types which would apply to Palin. My doctor source who knows Palin's doctor was surprised to learn Palin was instructed to fly eight hours after her water broke. That has raised more than a few eyebrows. But my source also said it would be next to impossible to pull off a fake birth in a legitimate hospital like the one Palin went to. Furthermore my source said the doctor involved is in her 50's with an impeccable reputation and can't imagine her falsifying medical records for anyone. There's enough loose ends here to make a rope and unless they're cleared up immediately, it might be enough to hang the Republican ticket.


John Nail said...

Water Breakgate - Latest Update - New Issues for McCain


John Nail said...

Jim, there is no Choate School in Anchorage.