Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gustav Reaction So Predictable and Insulting

As I wrote a few days ago, if Hurricane Gustav went anywhere near New Orleans, the political pandering would be unbearable. Well it appears we're well on our way. The democrats are ecstatic because Gustav reminds people of Katrina and will almost certainly upstage the republican convention. But here's what's really beginning to offend me. In some perverse white guilt sort of way, doesn't it seem a bit patronizing and offensive to watch every jerk in America fretting over the poor residents of New Orleans. Every camera shot is of black people shuffling helplessly along as government employees assist them in evacuating. The underlying assumption is these people were too stupid to get out the first time so we've got to do it for them this time. Yikes!
Personally I hope this storm veers off course and does relatively little damage. Not only would that be a good thing, it would also crush the liberals and their enablers in the media. They want wailing black people and John McCain speaking to an empty arena. Also watch ALL the political candidates show up in New Orleans for the passing sand bags photo-op. It's going to be a long few days.

1 comment:

Herbert Sweet said...

Looking at the hurricane preparations from a positive view, there is a need for evacuation transportation infrastructure for a large poor population that is without wheels. And, especially after the government’s poor response to Katrina, government and government conventions can not be going about their business while the new hurricane presents the potential for another catastrophe. I don’t see any other alternatives and wouldn’t advise govt, Reps or Dems to do it any differently. I think that deterioration sets in when advisors begin to see things in political terms instead of humanitarian terms. Obama is right to squelch that should it arise -- if only for practical reasons. When there is conniving in the inner circles, eventually it leaks out and then there is a price to pay.