Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Associated Press Says Hillary Will Concede Tonight

Could it be...could it be? After having lost the Democratic nomination for President months age, Hillary Clinton will officially throw in the pantsuit tonight according to the AP. I will be glued to my TV to witness "The Inevitable Nominee" waddle off into political obscurity. This could easily have been the year America chose a woman, it just wasn't ever going to be that woman. Let's see how long she hangs around the Senate now that New York is no longer useful to her politically. And don't even think Obama will put Hillary on the ticket. He knows better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a fervent John Edwards supporter (please, refrain from the hair jokes – we all know about it), I lost interest in this campaign in late January when he dropped out. I drove three hours to Keene, NH over my holiday break to listen to a town hall meeting he conducted and his sheer determination, devotion, and charismatic style cemented his vote in my mind (one which I still vow to write in on the presidential ticket). But one thing still stuck out in my head – that chicken commercial with the catchy phrase: “The other white meat.” I couldn’t help but realize that John Edwards was really just the anti-Hillary vote. Her demeanor and approach are just so repulsive to the normal human being, even to some of the fanatical feminists I know, that it is not only impossible to cast a vote for her, but it is impossible to take her serious. But we all know Hillary… Up on that stage during her thought-to-be stepping down speech, she may just rip open that bulky-shouldered suit jacket of hers and shake those votes from Michigan and Florida… Anything to stay in this race a little longer.