Thursday, May 8, 2008

Say Goodnight Vito

As if it wasn't tough enough being a republican congressman in New York City, Vito Fossella fessed up to a five year affair with the mother of his love child after being nabbed for drunk driving. Unfortunately for Vito, he's not a democrat. If he were, a quick stint in rehab follwed by announcing he intended to focus on doing the peoples business would have him back in the game. Then again, he could trot out the Ambien defense!


Anonymous said...

I live in North Carolina. Never knew they had republicans in New York City. Another confirmation all men particularly politicians are pigs.

Jane said...

Well, Billie, pig is a strong word. And there's nothing I like better than NC barbeque! (And men are nice, too.) That being akwardly stated, I guess the take-away here is that, irrespective of one's political party: never drink and drive! For the love of Mike, don't these people have drivers? Don't they remember Chappaquiddick? Jim, on a related subject, shall we have a moment of silence for Deborah Jeane Palfrey? By patriotically committing suicide, she saved the precious National treasure of David Vitter (R-LA)Senatorial career. May he honor her memory by withdrawing his support of anti-choice legislation.


Jim Langan said...

Jane - Not sure making fun of a troubled woman who committed suicide at her mother's house is the appropriate way to take a shot at Sen. Vitter. It might make more sense asking why the Johns always get a pass and the poor women paid to accommodate their sorry butts are always demonized and prosecuted.