Friday, April 25, 2008

Sean Bell Judge Got It Right

The verdict is in. The New York city police officers falsely of killing career thug Sean Bell outside a down market strip club have been found NOT GUILTY by a judge. The judge cited lack of evidence and the extensive criminal histories of Bell and his posse. You will now hear the usual suspects wail about a travesty of justice...blah, blah, blah. The truth is Sean Bell and his friends put themselves in danger that night and behaved in a manner which attracted the attention of the undercover cops assigned to ferret out the drug dealing and prostitution this strip joint was famous for. By ignoring the police commands and trying to ram the police with their car, Bell & Co. put themselves at risk. Remember, this all took place at 4AM outside a dive strip bar known for seedy characters. What were the cops supposed to do, wait until they saw the muzzle flashes before defending themselves.
One thing I know for sure. If the fate of these cops had been decided by a Queens jury instead of a dispassionate, legally knowledable jurist, they would be on their way to the slammer this morning. Let's hope these cops can get their lives back.

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