Wednesday, May 7, 2008

If This Were A Golf Match

If you're still having trouble getting how over the Democratic presidential race is, think of it as a high stakes golf match. Obama is four up with three to play. The normal protocol at this point is for Clinton to shake hands with Obama and they walk off the course with class. Well, Hillary's obviously not been in many match play events. By insisting on continuing with no hope of winning, she's simplybeing a bad sport and compromising his ability to win the next one.


Jane said...

Do the Sox quit the game because they're 5 runs behind in the 8th inning? Uh-uh. Even though they know they will lose they continue to play. That is good sportmanship.

I find it hard to believe she is undergoing the increasingly difficult and financially draining campaign out of sore-loser-ness. Maybe, just maybe, she wants to be President.

Rather I would ask why Joe Biden, Bill Richardson, and John Edwards quit so early.

"The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

In other words, as today's email from her campaign notes:

"Today, in every way that I know how, I am expressing my personal determination to keep forging forward in this campaign.

After our come-from-behind victory in Indiana, there are just 28 days of voting left. But we've never campaigned with the stakes as high or the time as short as they will be over the next four weeks.

And with you by my side, I'm going to keep fighting for what I believe in until every voter has had his or her say.

From the very beginning, you and I have counted on one another, working through every challenge and seizing every opportunity. That's not just the way our campaign works. That's the way America works.

As we enter the final four weeks of this contest, let's keep working our hearts out.

Contribute now to keep moving our campaign forward.

In six days, we have the chance to show our strength in West Virginia. If you'll stand with me, it's an opportunity I intend to make the most of.

There's no question about it -- we've got to make every one of these next 28 days count -- starting with today.

Contribute now, and let's keep winning together."

Whaddya going to do, Jim? Euthanize her on the track or let her keep running, hobbled though she may be? Remember, chance and time...chance and time.

Hope you are enjoying the fabulous weather, you young duffer! Love to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

She is a sore loser frantic at seeing her life's ambition go down the drain. She can't win and by going on she forces Obama to spend money he'll need against McCain and she continues to damage the eventual nominee. By insisting to play on, it is like a door me golf match. Playing the remaining holes won't change the outcome but will diminish her opponents abilty to compete in the next round.

Herbert Sweet said...

The conventional wisdom is that, should another Rev Wright make the scene, Obama could be discredited and Hillary could step in to fill the void. Can't argue with that.

More conventional wisdom -- Keeping the soap opera up keeps the news focused on the Dems. McCain seems off to the side somewhere in the public's limited attention span.