Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Feel free to call me an insensitive slob but could someone tell Mark Kelly, husband of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to step away from the hot lights of the TV cameras and just shut up. We get it. Your wife was shot, it's unfortunate but when did it become about you? Don't you get enough attention as a shuttle commander? Stop emoting with Diane Sawyer and all those other phonies looking for ratings. I won't even bring up the fact you met your wife when you were quite married and Giffords was in a relationship. You both dumped your significant others and got married. I'm sure Kelly's ex is gagging every time she sees you blabbing on about love and committment. I'm also telling you here first, Mark Kelly is already thinking about running for his wife's seat because she won't be going back to Congress at the end of the day. Mark my words.
Then there's Dr. Peter Rhee, the ER doctor who just happened to be on call when the shooting happened. This guy is giving more interviews than Chuck Schumer. Now he's moved his wife and family into a hotel next to the hospital to "care" for Congresswoman Giffords. I wonder if he does that for every shooting victim? I can already see him on Oprah and shortly thereafter with his own show on her network.

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