Saturday, November 20, 2010


Have you noticed the mere mention of Sarah Palin makes people crazy? It's like nothing I've ever seen. Even during Watergate people didn't get that worked up over Nixon. I don't know why exactly but nobody ever shrugs their shoulders when Palin's name comes up. So I've taken to having some fun with it. You should to. I was in a New York City restaurant last night with friends. I casually asked the group if they'd noticed people seem to have a strong reaction to Sarah Palin. That's all I had to say. I then sat back as everyone at the table started sputtering on about Palin, her family, Dancing with the Stars, her book sales. One of the people with us is a 21-year-old German exchange student. Even she came out smoking. "In Germany, we think she's very stupid." So here's the question. Why are people so worked up about this woman?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing! Love her or hate her, the Palins are everywhere! She's trumping the royal wedding in the news and blogs!