Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Just when you thought this dysfunctional town board couldn't sink any lower, they prove you wrong. Messrs. Monks, Martino and Athanas put on a clinic last night arguing with residents, treating them rudely and finally refusing to condemn a remark made by Republican Bob Clearwater that former Supervisor Pompey Delafield "should be shot." We all know politics can get a little rough but condoning violence against a former public service crosses the line. Clearwater later apologized for his intemperate remark but Monks, Martino and Athanas refused to disassociate themselves from the hateful remark. Making matters worse was their butt boy, planning board member Chan Murphy mocking Councilwoman Sue Serino as she discussed her brother's recent suicide. Serino was attempting to put our current economic hardships and lack of employment as reason to hold taxes steady when the obnoxious Murphy began mocking the reference to her brother. Serino understandably took offense and called Murphy, "a disgusting human being" which he is. It's unfortunate we have to wait a year to vote these people out because it looks like they intend to do as much damage as possible.


Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed to say that I live in Hyde Park. This is disgraceful behavior that makes us all look like buffoons.

Anonymous said...

I'm VERY disappointed that we have to wait an entire year to vote this board out... running for election under false pretenses should be some sort of crime, or at least grounds for impeachment.