Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Martino's Obsession with Don Goddard Bizarre

The Monday night ramblings of Hyde Park Supervisor Tom Martino are somewhere between hilarious and horrendous. At times, it's hard to believe he's serious or that psychologically damaged. The other night was a perfect example. After introducing a new hire for the police department, Martino went off on a rant about how much better the police department was these days and how sharp they looked since Chief Charlie Broe took over from Don Goddard. Goddard resigned in April rather than continue to deal with the bizarre Martino. Fine, that was his choice. But Martino just can't let it go. He has to bash Goddard every chance he gets. He's like a spurned lover who just can't leave it alone. And like a divorce, people don't want to hear the other person trashing the other. It's immature and annoying. Martino might want to pencil in a little couch time and get beyond the fact Goddard thought he was nuts.


Anonymous said...

Every week your paper is filled with stories of Tom Martino and his 'cronies' in the town board. i think your the one that's a bit obsessed considering most of your energy is spent giving your views unnecessary life diguised as 'reporting.'

Anonymous said...

I know Donnie. I remember what he did to me.