Monday, August 30, 2010

Glenn Beck Pulled it Off

In spite of the best efforts of the liberal media to mischaracterize Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" gathering as a KKK rally, the event went off flawlessly. There was no political posturing or partisan name calling. It had nothing to do with race or class. It was simply an opportunity for like minded people to gather peaceably and express their concerns about the fiscal and moral condition the country finds itself in today. The crowd was huge but orderly compared to the usual chaos and bombast that normally attends a leftist gathering. When it was over, you'd never know anyone had been there. Those attending simply returned to their communities energized by the the can and will do philosophy of Beck and his philosophy. They will likely reassemble in the voting booths of America in the fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was drawn to your site because we share a surname and I was searching for links to a heritage in County Mayo, from where many of the world's Langans escaped.
It seems from the bilge you write that you were asleep when the class was discussing the historical lessons of religious intolerance, hence your praise of Beck. The danger the U.S. now faces is the same bigotry that drove so many to it's shores. I do feel sympathetic to your concern about the felling of trees in your area, would that make you an environmentalist?