Thursday, August 5, 2010

Connecticut Gunman Was Racist Malcontent

Could somebody shut the trailer trash girlfiend of mass murderer and coward Omar Thornton up. First off, why should anyone believe he went off as a result of racial taunts in the workplace? There has been absolutely no corroberation from anyone on that predictable rationalization. But let's assume he was the object of offensive comments, does that remotely justify killing eight white co-workers? No, he had a racial chip on his shoulder and blamed his lack of success on racism. That gets old and too many losers hide behind that. Like other cowards before him, Thorton chose to kill himself rather than face the music and make whatever pathetic case he thought he had. He was fired for stealing beer from his beer distributor employer. He was a loser and it's tragic he took so many innocent people with him. I'd also like to know how the liberal media would be playing this if old Omar was white and the victims white.

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