Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Observations

I don't think too many people were surprised that Barack Obama beat John McCain. The real surprise was how far off the mark the pollsters were in calling the race. They all had Obama winning by double-digits which was nowhere close to the final result. I suspect it was somewhere between bad analysis and bias but a landslide or mandate it wasn't.
I thought Obama's spech was good but not great. He has given far more powerful speeches during the campaign. I stayed with the coverage until they put Oprah and Jesse Jackson on the screen, both crying on cue for the TV cameras. It was time for bed.
Voters in California proved once again why liberals prefer legislating from the bench by voting down the gay marriage proposition. Liddy Dole had her butt kicked in North Carolina while becoming the poster girl for plastic surgery gone horribly wrong. Obnoxious Al Franken is still in a squeaker with Norm Coleman in Minny and it looks like voters in Alaska re-elected indicted Senator Ted Stevens.
Locally democrat Jonathon Smith lost to incumbent Joel Miller once again proving money can't buy you love or an Assembly seat. All in all it was a very good night for Democrats. Now comes the tough part. Whining and criticizing republicans will now have to be replaced by real action and policy. Let's see what they're better at.

1 comment:

Herbert Sweet said...

Yes, there was a lot of emotion and tears shed by the black folks. I'm not cynical enough (not cynical at all)to believe it was done "on cue". Maybe if I had some insider exposure I might have a different view.

What I saw last night was a lot of folks that never were able to have a real sense of inclusion beginning to feel that they were now being fully accepted. That's worth a few tears.