Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nothing's Changed

I've been fairly quiet this week in spite of the torrent of economic and political news. Barack Obama continues to glide toward a substantial presidential victory in a few weeks while MCCain looks and sounds more like Yosemite Sam than a serious presidential contender. Issues like Rev. Wright and terrorist Bill Ayres bounce off Obama because no one is listening to McCain. It reminds me of Bob Dole in1996 against dirt bag Bill Clinton. For some God forsaken reason Dole couldn't bring himself to go after Clinton on his character and associations. McCain is falling into the same mode. There's no point in running if you don't truly oppose the other guy.
The economy is in shambles and no amount of government intervention is going to change anything. If you've been lucky enough to be out of the stock market, stay out. Remember, the federal government is your investment partner now. Enough said?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well perhaps if McCain had an issue that he could argue against Obama with and maybe even come close to making his stance on that issue was better than Obama's then perhaps McCain would gain some ground. The central focus on Obama's campaign is making him look like he's above the scum politics of Washington and that he will end corruption in Washington or if not end it at least not be influence by "politics as usual" and when McCain attacks Obama, Even if McCain makes a truly viable point (which isnt very often), it simply strenghten's Obama's point of being above the "politics as usual" and paints McCain as it. Now I may be Liberal but I'm not Naive. I know that Obama isnt entirely above politics as usual. Just to be able to break into politics one can't be above getting their hands dirty, so to speak.