Thursday, October 23, 2008

Completing the Radical circle

Have heard President-to-be Barack Obama is preparing an election night extravaganza in Chicago's Grant Park. How symbolic. Forty years ago long haired radicals and anti-war protesters rioted in Grant Park as democrats held their national convention. Many of those who railed against America will be back again, this time as the new establishment. Twenty year-old hippies will soon find themselves 60 year-old members of the Obama administration. I suspect those who wish us harm are paying close attention. I'm guessing they're not too afraid of aging hippies and peaceniks.


Jane said...

"Those who wish us harm" should underestimate us peace-niks and hippies at their peril.

-We forced the resignation of a President who broke faith with America by breaking the law and ignoring our Constitution.
-We forced bigots to integrate their schools and give equal rights to all citizens.
-We continue to protect the rights of women, and advocate for the poor and the disenfranchised.

Yes - we peace-niks and hippies can lay claim to these accomplishments. Any one of which sends shivers up the spine of our planet's despots, war-lords, dictators, and other assorted crazies with a few bills in their pocket and an AK-47.

So -- diss us at your peril, Bay-bee!

And, make sure you wear a sweater over your dashiki because it is very likely to be cold in the park that night.

Herbert Sweet said...

I see a parallel here -- STS !