Saturday, August 9, 2008

John Edwards...Dirt Bag

I've written and said for years John Edwards was a smarmy, disingenuous hustler who had no business running for anything. He played the populist "two Americas" baloney and enough liberal morons bought it. Now that he has finally admitted cheating on his cancer stricken wife with a bimbo he met in a bar, the whole world knows he's a phony. But remember, if John Kerry had won Ohio, this lying jerk would be our vice-president. There are two more layers to this. One is the mainstream media's culpability in enabling Edwards. They all heard the whispers and rumors but chose to ignore them. Why? Because of his wife or fear of offending his constituency. Neither was sufficient justification given this guy could have been president. Maybe the thinking is Clinton did it and he WAS president.
The second layer is Elizabeth Edwards. I've always thought she enjoyed the drama surrounding her illness just a little too much and so did he. How sick is she and were they exploiting it for sympathy and votes? I fully expected Edwards to announce Elizabeth had taken a turn for the worse before Super Tuesday. And why do the Elizabeth Edwards, Hillary Clintons and Silda Spitzers put up with this crap. Are they so pathetic or dependent on their husband's money and connections they refuse to kick these dogs to the curb?
I remember talking to a friend of mine in Chicago who had just left Michael Jordan and a blond in a hotel room. He was in the media and I asked him why he wouldn't expose the cheating basketball star. He said because it would be the last story he ever did. I then mused why didn't Jordan's wife file for divorce as everyone knew he cheated on her. His answer was "Then she wouldn't be Mrs. Michael Jordan anymore."


Herbert Sweet said...

Edward’s story is common amongst the powerful – especially those in the ruling class. It goes back to the rule of kings. They let their power go to their head and, like adolescents, ignore risk. In addition, women are drawn to men in positions of power. This is a bad combination.

Edwards confessed to his ego failure – but too late. Obama, on the other hand, according to a recent story revealing his prayer written on paper and stuffed into the temple wall in Israel, indicated that he was aware of the problem ahead of time. I should that it would be very hard to remain humble when thousands are chanting your name.

Anonymous said...

Edwards is just the latest political guy to think the rules don't apply to him. I just don't get where they find women who will put up with being trashed. I've been out there looking for a long time.