Monday, July 14, 2008

The pathetic Jesse Jackson

I didn't think Jesse Jackson could get any worse or more irrelevant. But in criticizing Barack Obama for daring to address the black community's penchant for illegitimate kids and absentee fathers, old Jesse blew a gasket. Obama is telling it like it is. Until blacks put their own house in order, no amount of federal money and liberal hand wringing will change the insidious dynamic that continues to eviserate black aspiration. Coming from a hypocrite like Jackson, the Obama slam is even more offensive. Remember this phony only recently owned up to his own illegitimate child, so Obama clearly hit a nerve.

1 comment:

Herbert Sweet said...

True enough. Another factor, somewhat tangential, is the origin of the problem of absentee fathers being so common in the black community. It is said that it goes back to slavery when family units were not kept in tact.