Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hyde Park's Police Vote

Once again the voters of Hyde Park have decided a run down dump is good enough for their police. The measure to build a modest facility lost by 100 votes Tuesday. While I'm not totally surprised by the outcome, I am disappointed. It makes me wonder about the people of Hyde Park. They're either so cheap or poor that a $27 tax hit is too much or they're dumb enough to believe losers like Billy Conn who conducted a blantant campaign of misinformation and absurd rumors. The fact that a moron like Conn can convince anyone of anything is mind numbing. This is one of those times when I wonder if everyone out there should be allowed to vote.

1 comment:

Herbert Sweet said...

Thursday's (7/31) Townsman editorial has selected the most important issue facing Hyde Park to bring to our attention. Crumbling Police Station? Sewer district plans on the ropes? Billy Conn looking for campaign signs again? Nope. It's the hanging of the Tegtmeier painting. Forget about the rest of our woes, Pompey. This is the big one.