Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Does John Edwards Endorsement Matter

The big news tonight is John Edwards has finally decided to endorse someone. After dithering like a latter day Mario Cuomo, Edwards has endorsed Barack Obama. But like Hillary's win in West Virginia, does anyone care? Edwards was always a phony who couldn't deliver a quart of milk. He didn't even carry his home state of North Carolina when he was Kerry's VP. His electoral needle was always stuck on 10-11% as a candidate this year. I doubt he brings anything other than his skin color and good old boy accent to the Obama table. But at least we've found one white guy this week willing to vote for Obama!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Jim, here - have a napkin; I can hear you drooling from way over here.

I appreciate your whimsy but it's not all that funny. The race is not about race. BHO has gotten many, many supporters and endorsers and they are white and they are male. So why isn't it a gender thing? Because it is neither.

I think this race is about the divide between the privileged and the rest of the country. It’s about preserving the letter and the spirit of our Constitution. It’s about bringing our troops out of Iraq. It’s about uniting the country around what we share in common.

Hillary in a KKK cape? Phony John Edwards and his $400 haircut? Why reduce this important stage in our history to this level?

Are you being clever? Or cynical? I like you way too much to think the latter.