Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Democrats Are ultimate Reality Show

OK, another day another Democratic primary. Like the 400 previous primaries, Pennsylvania proved inconclusive. Hillary's still hanging on to the drapes and Obama's definitely lost a step or two. They're like two exhausted fighters entering the 15th round. Obama's been kicking her pant suited behind most of the way but can't seem to finish her off. Hillary's doing everything she can to go the distance. Her handlers have instructed her to stay on her feet while they figure out how to beat this guy. If she takes the Democrat party with her, so be it. She's entitled, baby.

Everyone from Howard Dean to The New York Times has had it with Hillary and the process. The TV talking heads are all pontificating about putting an end to all this. Polls show the American people are demanding an end and are horrified at the nastiness of the campaign. Oh really? I'm here to tell you people tell pollsters what they think they are expected to say. It's like people who tell you they hate Jerry Springer but can tell name every nut job and cheating housewife who's ever been on the show. Which is why the ratings for the debates and the election night broadcasts have been huge. The American people are loving this. The Democratic nomination process is America's favorite reality show.
Forget American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. John Q. Public can't get enough of the Hillary-Obama show. It has everything. It began with a cast of characters who were gradually voted off, lots of conflict as well as enough cheesy twists and turns to make Susan Lucci wince. Anyone who thinks people are getting tired of the process have only to look at the number of new voters who have signed up in record numbers to be part of the action. Like their TV counterparts, these people are calling their toll free hotline by donating money and breaking voting records all over the country. Nobody's hitting the mute button or changing the channel.
Now it's on to North Carolina and Indiana for the next showdown. Hillary will be tied to the railroad track once again as Obama tries once again to close the deal. I'll also bet you just when you think it's finally over, it won't be. But you'll probably have to sit through the commercials before anyone really brings the curtain down on Who wants to be President.

1 comment:

David Fouts said...

Jim; I think you are right about the facination the general public has for the specticle the Democrats are putting on. The news media is treating it as a ratings event. Wolf Blitzer would be horrified if one of the main contenders were to through in the towel. I only worry that they will both be so shop worn by the fall that even a 72 year old guy will look good.